Old Gods of Asgard

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An all age PS3 community

    Chat Box Rules

    OGoA Rokkr

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2012-04-28
    Age : 32
    Location : san diego

    Chat Box Rules Empty Chat Box Rules

    Post  OGoA Rokkr Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:26 pm

    1. Don't overuse Caps Lock. You may use up to three sentences of Caps Lock per day, more than that and it is considered overuse.

    2. No font size over 4. If you really want someone to see something personal message them.

    3. No images or videos are allowed in the shoutbox but you may give links to them. No img /img tags are needed.

    4. Don't overuse emoticons.

    5. Don't participate in drama. Starting it and joining it are equal.

    6. Don't post links to anything inmature, inappropriate, overly gory, or shock imagery. Yes, that means no Goatse and no blue waffle.

    7. Do not give links to illegal downloads or any torrents or talk about them.

    8. No spamming.

    9. Don't comment negatively towards other member's countries or religions. This is an instant permaban offense and will have ramifications to your rank.

    10. Do not give out anybody's number or your own on the Chat Box.

    First time = Warning
    Second time = up to a 24 hour banned from the shoutbox
    Third time = up to 72 hours banned from the shoutbox
    Fourth time = at the discretion of the person who bans the offender. Could be a ban from the shoutbox forever and time banned from the forums depending on the offenses.

      Current date/time is Sun May 19, 2024 3:05 am